AZ document EHRC Marathon
Adopted by the board (in collaboration with the committees) of EHRC Marathon dated 1 - Feb. - 2020
Within our roller hockey association we use agreements that we make with each other. The agreements / information below are purely intended as guidelines and not as statutes or other similar legal documents.
As an association we strive for the balance between the right compromise / agreements and daily reality.
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For an association to function properly, agreements are required. These agreements are made or confirmed annually at the General Members' Meeting. The board implements those decisions.
This AZ document provides information on the most important topics. Realize that the decisions of the members and the board are decisive. This document is therefore intended to be supplementary. If anything is unclear, ask your question to one of the board or committee members. We wish you a lot of sports fun at the EHRC Marathon association.
The range of exercise in sports by our association can be called quite broad and can be read on our association website (www.ehrcmarathon.eu) under the item Sports offer.
Address change
With the help of a digital program, our secretary has the opportunity to keep the address details of our members up to date. But he can only do that if the members report any changes to him. This is possible via the email address secretaris@ehrcmarathon.eu
General meeting
At least one general meeting is held annually. All members have access to the meeting. Only members aged 18 or older are eligible to vote. As long as members have not yet reached the age of 18, the legal representative can exercise the right to vote and participate in the discussions for that member. Donors also have access to the meeting, but do not have the right to speak or vote. This meeting will be called by the board as soon as possible in the new association year.
Board and Committees
and the various committee compositions, which are necessary for our association to function in the organizational field, can be found on our association website “Marathon On Line” ( www.ehrcmarathon.eu ) under the item Organization.
are made available by the association during training and are managed by the sports equipment committee. An emphatic request to the members to trace back “overshot” balls at the Zuiderpark roller skating rink after training or competition. The association has purchased special “winter balls” for the training evenings at the roller skating rink Zuiderpark with a temperature of 10 degrees or lower. These balls have the property, at an outside temperature of 10 degrees or lower, to bounce less.
from roller skating rink Zuiderpark is best by bicycle or scooter. Parking cars on the sports facility is strongly discouraged as there is a possibility that roller hockey balls, which are shot over, cause damage. Parked cars can also be a problem if emergency services need to be on site. The association's website (Contact item) provides more information about the accessibility of our sports facilities roller skating rink Zuiderpark (outdoor) and sports campus Zuiderpark (indoor).
as protection for your teeth in our contact sport can be considered. Your teeth are a precious asset. An uncontrolled action by your opponent, a wrong fall, a ricochet ball or not paying attention can have consequences for your teeth. A mouthguard offers protection for your teeth, mouth and lips. Ask your dentist and get advice.
Club referees
are important to ensure that the training matches and the home games on roller skating rink Zuiderpark run in accordance with the most up-to-date rules of the game. Referees for official league matches are appointed by the NRB or in collaboration with the home playing association to lead the relevant match (s) and are therefore eligible for compensation which is normally provided to the official NRB referee.
for seniors, youth and veterans, this is organized by the Dutch Roller Sport Bond (NRB), section roller hockey and our teams take part in this.
Contribution players
is one of the funding sources of the association budget. Members have 3 options to pay the membership fee; (in advance) per quarter, per half year or per year. As of November 1 of the association year, the entire contribution amount must be paid via the following information:
Treasurer EHRC Marathon, Bank: ING, IBAN: NL41INGB00 00434715 (stating contribution + name of player / star).
Category quarter Half year Year (effective season duration 45 weeks)
Youth: 46.25 euros, 92.50 euros, 185.00 euros
Seniors: 65.00 euros 130.00 euros 260.00 euros
Veterans: 58.75 euros 117.50 euros 235.00 euros
TRIM employees: 43.75 euros 87.50 euros 175.00 euros
The annual contribution is calculated for each association year by the board, which the members approve during the General Members Meeting. Every member who terminates his / her membership in the meantime (read: before November 1), will at all times owe the full annual contribution amount. The outstanding amount must therefore be paid in full to the treasurer immediately after cancellation of the membership.
Failure to pay the contribution obligation has consequences for a possible transfer to another association and / or the engagement of a bailiff.
Contribution to be determined by yourself with a minimum of 50.00 euros (per season)
Club of fifty
Financial sponsor contribution of 50.00 euros (per season)
Club of Hundred
Financial sponsor contribution of 100.00 euros (per season)
Club colors
When the association was founded (1947), the club colors red and yellow were chosen. In the 1960s, members increasingly asked to change these colors to the more fashionable blue and white. Ultimately, these colors were chosen as club colors. The current association policy indicates that when composing the competition and presentation clothing, people are free to choose the composition, whereby the starting point is that the colors blue and white must be the main colors. The Hague colors green and yellow are allowed for the away kit. The members are free to choose the color of the protective materials and roller hockey shoes, but the club colors blue and / or white are preferred.
Doping use
within our association is absolutely not an issue. Our athletes are primarily responsible for their own body. For example, an athlete must take into account a doping list. More information about doping can be obtained via the web addresses http://www.dopingautoriteit.nl/home and www.100procentdopefree.nl.
are persons who support the association financially without being actively involved in sports.
First aid graduates
for the 2020 season the association has been on its membership list. The association provides each team with a (blue) first aid kit and AED equipment for the away matches. For the home games, a (red) first aid kit and AED equipment are available at the competition table for general use.
or abbreviated expat is someone who temporarily resides in our international city with a different culture from the one he grew up with. Usually they are sent by their employer. From our social perspective, we also offer these people space within our association.
You can become and stay at the association without playing matches, read on our association website (www.ehrcmarathon.eu)
at the item Sports offer-Trimmers
Guest players
If our association wants to use guest player (s) from other association (s), this is only possible after written permission from that association. If EHRC Marathon members are asked to act as guest player, the member concerned must report this to the Technical Committee Roller Hockey of EHRC Marathon.
Please note…. this is only possible in the event of a tournament and / or exhibition match
We believe it is important at our sports facilities. Every visitor (passive or active) has the right to respectful contact with the EHRC Marathon members, board and committee members. At home matches the athletes and officials are offered the “Hague oranges” during the rest period as confirmation of our hospitality.
sports equipment and especially when it concerns youth buddies, are very welcome to help starting youth and adult members. The Sports Equipment Commission is happy to receive the used sports equipment.
Rules of conduct during training and competitions
- As a sports association, we strive to ensure that our members do not smoke, do not use alcohol or other mind-enhancing substances while practicing sports on and along the court;
- 15 minutes before the start of the training, the players are present in the changing room, so that the trainer can start the training on time;
- For safety reasons, wearing jewelry or other sharp objects is not allowed, therefore remove or mask any piercings etc.
- At the start and during the match, the shirts must be worn in the pants;
- Of course we respect our referees, coaches, team leaders, trainers, fellow players, our opponents and the spectators. After all, the members represent the EHRC Marathon association.
our association certainly has. We have been active since 1947. We are therefore even a cultural heritage. As an association, we have a history to be proud of. The first and still existing roller skating association in the Netherlands. The history of the association is digitally updated on the association website (see item History)
Drive fast
is a sports component that is included in our statutes, but it is not currently part of the sports offer.
is that everyone takes a shower immediately after training and matches. This is not only hygienic, but also good for the muscles (cooling-down). So bring slippers, soap and a towel.
Indoor season
is the season part of the association in the period from October 1 to March 31. To protect us against the weather, the sports activities take place in the municipal sports campus Zuiderpark.
about the association can be obtained via this AZ document, the association website, social media and the periodic news mail. You can also obtain information from the board and committee members.
Registration form
is fully completed and is necessary to start the procedure of becoming a member of our association. This form is available, to be filled in and to be sent via the association website (see item Contact -> Registration form).
Youth roller hockey
games are offered by the association. It is right? … Who has the youth, has the future! For more information about youth roller hockey, visit the club's website.
Annual plan
for the association (in the previous year), in the month of November, in combination with drawing up a budget for the following year. The annual plan is “the cork” on which we float in the following association year. The definitive annual plan will be presented to members in December. As a result, people already know during the winter break what the following association year between January 1 and December 31 will look like.
Goalkeeper training
are included in the regular exercise material of the trainers.
if the match kit is primarily the responsibility of the player, unless provided by a sponsor. The starting point for the home match kit are the club colors blue and white. The away kit must have a different color. If necessary, the Hague colors yellow and green can be used.
Changing rooms
are present at the roller skating rink Zuiderpark. The senior team even has its own dressing room (dressing room 3) in use. The seniors are responsible for keeping the changing room clean. This dressing room must be made available to the organization during events. The other members use the other dressing rooms (1-2 referee). These changing rooms (with the exception of dressing room 3) are cleaned by the landlord. The changing rooms in the sports halls are designated and maintained by the hall manager. Do not leave any valuables in the changing rooms but hand them over to the team leader.
The association cannot be held liable for loss or theft of property. Of course you make sure that the dressing room is tidy. And of course it is not allowed to smoke in the dressing room.
Figure skating
is a sports component that is included in our statutes. Cautious attempts are being made to return this exercise offer to the association (since 1990).
of the EHRC Marathon is entered into for at least one year and is considered to be tacitly renewed each time by one year for the same term. Cancellation of membership is only possible in writing or by e-mail ( secretaris@ehrcmarathon.eu ), but no later than November 1 of the current calendar year. If a member cancels during the year, he / she continues to pay the full membership fee. (minus any installments already paid), due to EHRC Marathon.
Mail traffic
Board and committee members communicate by e-mail only via the association e-mail addresses made available by the Communication Committee, ... function ...@ehrcmarathon.eu (see item-> Contact)
has been specially developed for roller hockey. Make sure your equipment is in order. It is not only important for the appearance of the player and the club, but with bad equipment the performances will also not be optimal. It can even be unsafe. With borrowed materials that are the property of the association, the person who lends the items is responsible for those materials and is therefore obliged to maintain them. More information about sports equipment can be found on our association website ( www.ehrcmarathon.eu ) under the item “Shop”. The association introduced and will maintain a use and rental system for materials in 2020.
New season
team compositions are discussed by the relevant coaches, team counselors and the Technical Committee Roller Hockey.
Dutch Rollersports Association
is the national organization of Dutch roller hockey and figure skating. Our association is a member of the NRB The NRB is in turn a member of the European federation https://www.wseurope-rinkhockey.org and the World Federation http://www.worldskate.org
Founding year 1947
Our association was founded on October 21 this year. We are the first The Hague, but also the first Dutch roller skating association. For a detailed description see also the association website (www.ehrcmarathon.eu) under the item History.
is a part that is increasingly offered to the members by the association. This does not mean the training for the athletes, but matters surrounding the competitions and training. Think of: training club referees, the organization of the match table at home games, first aid and rules meetings . The training courses will be organized as required and in consultation with the committees and the board.
Outdoor season
is the season part of the association in the period from April 1 to September 30. Roller skating rink Zuiderpark is our home accommodation.
The association is always looking for parties who want to enter into a partnership with the association with the intention of developing role sports in the city of The Hague.
Pavilion Zuiderpark
is owned by the municipality of The Hague and a private person (not being our association) is the operator of the accommodation. The catering team is ready to provide the visitors with "a snack and a drink" before and after training / matches. The operator can formally close the pavilion half an hour after the last training.
what the association is or wants to be involved in can be done through the communication committee. The chairman of this committee can (depending on the subject and after approval of the board) be spokesperson for the association. All policy and administrative publications to external organizations (not being other associations and / or own (former) members) must at all times be approved in advance by the board before they are published.
The association has to adhere to the applicable privacy rules, such as the AVG (General Data Protection Regulation). In that context, a privacy policy has been developed, which is published on the association's website. Moreover, this privacy policy has been or will be sent to all (prospective) members. "
Relation file
is an overview which is kept by the secretary in the Conscribo Relationship Management program. It is important for the association that this file is up to date. So do you have a mutation? Please pass this on to the secretary of the association.
Roller hockey
is one of the three roller skate components that have been included in our association statutes since the founding year of 1947. The other two parts are Figure Skating and Speed Skating. The statutes can be obtained from the association secretariat.
Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
is at our disposal for twelve months (the winter and summer season).
Practicing a sports activity or participating in a club activity of our association is for the participant based on own risk. The association does not accept any liability except insofar as the liability insurance taken out by it offers cover in some cases.
of the association is the central point for all information moments of the association. This is the place to put your question. The response will usually consist of a referral to an organizational volunteer from the executive committee or to a member of a committee.
Social activities
The association wants to offer more than just sports activities. Social activities where members and non-members meet is also part of the association offer.
Social media
The association uses this medium (Facebook, Whatsapp) to communicate association activities both internally and externally.
is possible by individuals and companies through the Sponsorship Committee. Contact ( penningmeester@ehrcmarathon.eu ), one of the board members for more information.
Sports equipment committee
is one of the committees that, on behalf of the daily management, is responsible for the management and maintenance of all sports equipment owned by the association. This allows us to keep track of what we own and so that our members can make optimal use of these materials.
The committee can also advise on (new) material. The committee also places orders with our suppliers several times a year, whereby your desired materials can be included in the order.
Game rules
can be downloaded from the Internet at the website of the Dutch Rollersports Bond www.rolhockey.com. The association attaches great value to knowledge of the rules of the game among its members and organizes, among other things, the annual rules meeting.
Sports campus Zuiderpark
the sports center of the city of The Hague, is our indoor home port during the indoor season. This sports accommodation can also be used for events in the outdoor season.
Sports development
is important for a sports club because we offer what the members are enthusiastic about. We are also at the heart of society, so we constantly look around us to see if we can offer improvements, additions or alternatives. Despite our age (founded in 1947) we remain a modern association and to achieve that we are constantly working on this.
See also the association website ( www.ehrcmarathon.eu ) under the item Sports offer.
Technical Committee Roller Hockey (TCR)
is one of the committees established by the board and the board is advised by this committee on sports-technical level. For the composition of this committee, visit the association website “Marathon On Line” ( www.ehrcmarathon.eu ) under the item Organization.
Home games
of our teams take place on roller skating rink Zuiderpark. Information (accessibility, parking, etc.) about our sports accommodation (s) see item Contact.
Team transport
to away games is the responsibility of the team itself. Shared transport is advisable for sustainability and cost considerations. A travel allowance must be agreed in advance for athletes and / or supporters who do not have their own transport and who can ride along.
Tournament participation
is a great opportunity to play the game with your team and meet other athletes. Where possible, the association will encourage tournament participation or organize its own tournaments.
If available, coaches and team counselors are appointed by the Technical Committee for Role Hockey.
Summer season training schedule (outdoor)
Tuesday Thursday Sunday Location
Youth 18.30 - 19.30 11.00 - 12.00 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Seniors 20.00 - 21.30 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Groomers 12.00 - 13.00 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Veterans 2 19.00 - 20.00 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Veterans 1 20:00 - 21.00 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Winter season training schedule (indoor)
Wednesday Thursday Sunday Location
Youth 18:30 - 19:30 Roller skating rink Zuiderpark
Youth 11.00 - 12.00 Zuiderpark Sports Campus
Veterans 2 19.00 - 20.00 Sportcampus Zuiderpark
Veterans 1 20:00 - 21:00 Sportcampus Zuiderpark
Seniors 20:00 - 22:00 Sporthal ZRC in Zaandam
The Technical Committee Roller Hockey can, where appropriate, propose to the executive board to adjust the training hours to make training times as pleasant as possible for everyone.
TRIM people
has been an exercise offer since the association year 2014 in which adults exercise weekly by means of roller hockey.
there are certainly within our association. The association is always looking for volunteers who want to help the association. Ask our board about the possibilities. Maybe there is something for you?
We are proud of the fact that our association is the first roller skating club in the Netherlands. Our association was founded by the Ooms family on October 2, 1947 and annually we commemorate our founding day on October 2. In 2017 we celebrated our 70th anniversary
The association has taken out liability and contents insurance. The policy conditions can be requested by the members at the secretariat of our association. The Dutch Roller Sports Bond has not taken out any form of insurance for its member associations (including EHRC Marathon) and individual participants in the NRB competitions. The NRB has supplementary insurance.
Friendly matches
There are friendly matches at home and abroad for the youth and senior team as well as both veteran teams. Applications are submitted to the association secretariat and the invitations are submitted to the Technical Committee Roller Hockey of the association for assessment.
Free driving
is possible on roller skating rink Zuiderpark daily from 12:00 to 18:00. At your own risk, the public sports facility roller skating rink Zuiderpark can be used free of charge.
are necessary to be able to organize all association activities. At the association we use the statement: “Our volunteers are not paid but receive a lot of respect at the club. Not because they cannot be paid, but because they are unaffordable ”. There is a lot to do at the club.
of the association (www.ehrcmarathon.eu) and provides a lot of information about our association.
Competition table
is part of the competition management at our home games. Our volunteers take place at this table for official and friendly matches. Every year the association organizes the Workshop Match Table Official before the start of the outdoor season. If you would like to be part of the competition management in this way, then sign up for this (free) workshop. The workshop can be organized as needed.
of a player during practice or a match will not be tolerated and the trainer-coach has the right to remove the player from practice or to remove him from the match after repeated warnings. A sanction is then imposed in consultation with the TCR. In serious cases, the matter will be submitted to the Board.
Winter break
is from 1 to 31 December and is a period in which we as an association have no activities and the members can enjoy the holidays.
Summer season
of the association is from April 1 to September 30.
Summer break
is max. 3 weeks in the months of July and / or August. This short stop is intended to allow us to use our outdoor accommodation under good weather conditions for as long as possible. The 3 weeks are determined in consultation with the members (maximum absence due to the summer holidays).